Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bangalore Photos

Tonight I have a fairly good Internet connection so I thought I would post my photos from Bangalore.

The safari:
Hiding buffalo

Crocodile rock

Sloth bear

Spotted deer

Let a sleeping bear lie
Baby bear

White tiger catnapping

Tiger on the prowl

6 month old lion cubs
Cub close up

3 month old lion cubs

Tiger outside lion pen
Angry lioness protecting her cubs

The zoo:

Hooded cobra
King cobra

Too bad neither would "perform" and put up its hood.

Feeding time for the baby elephant

Leopard in a tree

Leopard close up

Zebra eating

Sunday at Nandi Hills:

Flying baby monkey

Wild monkey

Wild dog

Dog and baby monkey

Nandi statue

The views are AMAZING!

On the way back to the city we see some performers getting ready to celebrate the Ganesha festival.

And some people hard at work

So many pictures.  So little time.


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