Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday August 26th, 2010

I am officially two weeks away from my trip to India. There is so much to do I am a bit overwhelmed. What if I forget something, lose something or never had something to begin with, eek! Will the dog be okay? Will the cat be ok? Should I turn off my fridge? many questions. I need a list:

1-Get suitcase
2-Copy documents (passport, itinerary, credit card, trip insurance card, etc.
  2a-Find all documents
3-Food (how much food should I take; I'll be gone roughly 16226 hours divided by the every 3 hours I need to eat = 5422 meals/snacks) Hmmm...that's alot of protein powder and almonds.
4-Find camera, i-pod, Kindle and all associated chargers and bags
5-Go shopping. OMG another list!
  2- Protein Powder
  6-Peanut Butter
  9-Pet supplies
6-Call, email, text clients
  6a-Change voicemail, set out of town email notice
7-Start anti-malarial
8-Find out where hotel vouchers are
9-Plan excursions
10-Research hotels (if I ever find out what hotels I will be staying at)

Oh, I could go all night.

How can a vacation cause so much stress? I think my vacation needs a vacation

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