Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mysore to Bangalore

Today I drive (or should I say I am driven) from Mysore back to Bangalore where I will spend a few days with my cousin.

The trip to Mysore on Tuesday was at night and seemed rather boring.  I am anticipating a long journey involving a nap.  To my surprise the drive was beautiful.  The road was bordered on both sides by lush green fields of sugar cane, palm trees and a few rice paddys.  A few small towns break up the green. 

On the way out of Mysore I am witness to a rare treat.

These elephants are training for Royal Dasara, a 10-day festival meant to celebrate the Hindu goddess,  Chamundeshvari's victory over the demon, Masishasura.  It is an elaborate affair that culminates in a grand procession on the last day when a royal elephant carries the Golden Throne with an image of the goddess.  The elephants are considered gods and so I get into a bit of trouble taking their photo (thus the shot through the windshield).

I see loads of sugar cane going market and to the sugar factory.  Some by truck and some by bullock cart.

We stop at a roadside "factory" that makes Mysore Pak.  Mysore Pak is a sweet made of ghee, sugar and chick pea flour.  Think fudge on steroids.  This stuff is like sweet sticky crack.  YUM.  I tried it yesterday and LOVED it.  Now that I see where it is made I am a bit less enthusiastic.  But only a bit.

The place is self sustained.  The brown piles of debris is dried sugar cane stalks.  Once they extract the liquid sugar from the plant they burn the stalks for the fires to make the Pak.

There are 3 vats used in the process.

Stage one

Stage 2 and 3

The final mix of liquid with flour

Then it goes into the wooden molds.

So that has been my day so far.  Lots of cane, cows, carts and cars.  And a few elephants.

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