Monday, September 20, 2010


I spent the last several days with my cousin in Bangalore.  I had fun.  We just hung out and caught up most of the time but we did do a few cool things.

On Friday we went to a National Park near Bangalore.  There you can take a bus on a safari ride.

We saw lions and tigers AND bears.  And deer, snakes, leopards and elephants...

I said I had to see tigers while I was in India and I finally did.  They were amazing.  They just do not look the same in the zoos in the US.  Why???  I also saw leopards for the first time.  WOW!  Even cooler than the tigers.  These kitties were caged, which was probably a good thing since the one was growling and pacing up and down the fence (probably because some idiots we teasing him).  There were 5 lion cubs, 6 months old, lounging around in the grass.  There were also some 3 month old cubs being guarded by their mother from a very large tiger outside the cage.  Momma was not a happy camper.  I also got to see a canine puppy about 3 months old chase off a wild monkey.  It was pretty funny.  That pup really thought he was top dog.

I got some fabulous photos (mostly because the tour guide and bus driver took my camera and took the pictures for me).  The pictures are great and they only cost us a 250 rupee "tip" IE - they shook us down for a bribe.

The internet connection at the hotel in Cochin (where I am now) is slow so I cannot upload any pics.

I will keep trying and edit posts as necessary.

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