Monday, September 13, 2010

Dehli. Still!!!!

I am up early this morning for a 6:15 pickup to take me to the airport to my flight to Shimla. I pack up and head downstairs to meet my contact Mayank. This poor man has recceived me at the airport at 9pm, checked me into hotels, deliovered me to the airport, had his lunch interrupted to retrieve me after the Dharamsala cancellation and now has to see me again at 6am. He must hate me. And now he has to deliver me more disappointing news, my flight to Shimla is delayed. Again it is due to technically difficulties and whether the flight will leave today is questionable. I say to Mayank that it seems I am not meant to go to the North. He says he will get me to the Himalayas if he has to hire a car. I think he is ready to get rid of me.

I am disappointed but not as much as I would expect. I came to India for something but I do not know what exactly that something is so I am trusting that the Universe will send me where I need to go.

I said yesterday that I felt I had only scratchwed the surface of Delhi. Maybe I am supposed to stay here?

Poor Mayank!

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