Thursday, September 23, 2010

Questions and Answers

I have a few minutes before I leave for my backwaters cruise and I thought I would answer a few of the most commonly asked questions I have received here in India in hopes it will be forwarded around the country and I will not have to answer them again.

1.       I am from the U.S.  Yes, my whole family is there (except for my cousin in Bangalore).
2.       My good name is Rachel.  I wish someone would tell me what my bad name is.
3.       No, I do not have any children.  I do not like them.
4.       I am 39 years old.  NO, I do not have any children and YES, I know that soon I will be too old to have them.
5.       Yes, I would like it, whatever it is, spicy and no it will not be too hot.  Try a serrano pepper.
6.       No,  I am not here for work I am here on vacation.  Yes, I came to vacation here in India.
7.       Yes, all Americans ARE fat.
8.       No, the U.S. is not a snowy place.  Believe it or not we have many different climates much like India.
9.       Yes, I do know that Barrack Obama signed a law that prohibits outsourcing jobs to other countries.  No, I do not have him on speed dial.  I cannot call him and ask him to change his mind.
10.   No, I am not a rich American.  I am a middle class American who is in hock up to her eyeballs paying  for a Grand Tour of India.
11.   Yes, I have had my breakfast/lunch.
12.   No, I do not know why the U.S. ALWAYS support Pakistan over India.  And, I still do not have Barrack Obama’s phone number.
13.   Yes, driving here is crazy.
14.   No, I do not want to buy any postcards, magic boxes or flutes.  Calling me “pretty lady” will not make me change my mind.
15.   Yes, Kerala/Cochin/Mysore is better than Delhi.  Personally, I loved Delhi but if it makes you happy…
16.   No, I am not afraid to be on a houseboat alone.  Or at least I wasn’t until you brought it up, Thanks!!!!!
17.   No, I do not have George Bush’s phone number either.
18.   Yes, I  like India very much.
19.   No, I do not have an opinion on the plan to put a mosque on the site of the twin towers.  Actually I do have an opinion but I am not going to tell you for fear of offending you.
20.   Yes, there are a lot of Indians where I live.  No, they are not the  kind of Indians you are thinking of.
21.   Yes, I would love for you to take my luggage, open my door, crack my eggs and pour my water.
And Finally,
22.    NO, I do not want any toast!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome and oh so true. LOL I loved it.
    Anonymous Curt
