Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today I am in Mysore.  It is a fairly large city of over 1,000,000 people.  It is known for its silk, sandalwood, rubies and ivory.

I spent the night at the Royal Orchid Metropole.  It is a heritage hotel, aka a former palace built by the Maharaja of Mysore for British guests.


The view from my terrace

As we drive out for our tour we see what a traditional India town looks like.

The farmers market

Cow in the road

We begin the with a trip up Chamundi Hill.  It is the highest point in Mysore and has great views of the city.


At the top of Chamundi Hill is Chamundeshvari Temple, dedicated to the goddess who conquered Mahishasura, the buffalo demon.  Mysore is named for him.

After visiting the temple we head down the hill to see Nandi, the bull.

Nandi is the vehicle for the god, Shiva.  This Nandi is one of the largest in India.  He is 25ft long and 16ft high and carved from a single boulder.

Next we make our way to Amba Vilas Palace.  This was the primary residence for the King of Mysore.  A wooden palace stood here for centuries until it burned down in the late 1800s and was replaced by this palace.  The Prince still resides in the rear portion of the palace.

View ofAmba Vilas Palace from Chamuni Hill

Amba Vilas Palace from the front

One of many temples at Amba Vilas Palace

The gardens are fantastic

One of 10 bronze lion statues   

Elephants at the Palace

My tour guide leaves me here, but my driver takes me to Mysore's vegetable and flower market.  He accompanies me through the market which is good because I am certain I could get lost forever in the chaos.  It is a busy, congested, loud and scary place.

The vegetables here are all locally grown.  There is a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and flowers.  The colors are beautiful and everything smells fresh.

Flower vendors
Flower garlands


So that was my day in Mysore.  There are many more pictures of cows, cats and pigeons.  And even more of trees, gardens and buildings.  But, I won't bore you with those today.  I'll wait until I get back to the States for that.


  1. Looks like a better day you had today, in Mysore. The gardens and vegetables are beautiful. Rain stop yet?
    Cindy, Bill & Olive

  2. WOW!! Thanks for the update...have an amazing adventure and i will look forward to living through your eyes. Denise

  3. No the rain did not stop but it at least had the decency to wait until the evening to show itself.
    The market was probably the best part. I wanted to eat everything. Luckily I restrained myself. Would not want to be sick and soggy. ;-)
