Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 1st, 2010

I am a week away from my India trip. I am nervous and excited.

It has been a hectic week trying to work and prepare:

Just yesterday Amazon informed me that the order consisting of my Steripen, sunscreen towelettes and insect repellent towelettes will not ship until September 9th. Too late guys. It took you a week to figure out you were out of stock! Luckily REI had the Steripen and it was on sale so it was only $5 more than the Amazon price. Whoo. The towelettes are more problematic. I found them on-line elsewhere but they we much more expensive and it will be a crap shoot as to whether they arrive in time or not. I may return from India to find I am fully stocked on sunscreen and bug towels.

Did you know what almost NO banks carry travellers cheques anymore? According to Chase and Wells Fargo "no one" travels with cash. They use credit cards instead which is fine unless you plan to shop in areas that do not accept credit cards. They will order foreign currencies for you, the Euro, Yen, Peso. "Great, can you get me Rupees?" Response - "What is a Rupee?" Hmmm... Thank goodness for U.S. Bank, at least they still believe in old school money.

My netbook arrived on Monday. I think I am going to love it. Unfortunately I cannot get my home network to recognize the wireless connection. I guess I will have to go to Starbucks to play. Rats!

On the up side I investigated the hotels I will be frequenting during my stay. Yah, I'm not coming back! Check these out:


I will definitely take some time for me to reintegrate into American society.

I have spent the week saying, "See you in a month." to many of my clients. It actually made me a bit sad. I feel like I am letting them down or leaving them out to dry. Right, like they can't survive a month without me. Ego much?

Time to start washing, repelling and packing my clothes.

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